Colombia has been a leader in the worldwide import of roses and other flowers since the early 1980’s, exporting flowers of the highest quality year-round. A great part of the success of our flowers can be attributed to the fertile lands in the Sabana de Bogota, or the Bogota Savanna, which create perfect conditions for our flowers’ growth. Below are a few facts about the area:
- The area’s high altitude of roughly 8,700 feet above sea level creates a perfect, year-round temperate climate, ideal for the flowers’ growth.
- Because we are close to the equator, the farms receive the same amount of sunshine throughout the year – about 12 hours of sunlight per day!
- Due to the altitude and latitude, temperatures stay pretty constant year-round, ensuring the same quality for every season.
- The soil in the Bogota Savanna is incredibly fertile, since the area used to be a former lakebed. This makes for dense, nutrient and clay-rich soil, which strengthens the flowers and helps them flourish.
“The Bogota Savanna’s ideal qualities for growing flowers”
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